Located in the Victoria County, New Brunswick, Canada
44 Marian Dr., Perth-Andover, NB   E7H 3A7

Our Lady of the Assumption

Our Lady of the Assumption is located in Hazeldeen, in Victoria County New Brunswick.

Contact Information

Office Address

  • Our Lady of the Assumption
    c/o St. Mary of the Angels
    44 Marian Dr.
    Perth-Andover, NB  E7H 3A7

    Hours: 9 am - 4 pm ( Tuesday to Thursday )

Phone / Email

Church Location

  • 3710 Route 108
    Hazeldeen, NB  E7G 2S4

Donate to this Church

Donate online through Canada Helps website.

History of Assumption

The name "Blue Bell" comes from a mountain peak situated at Bell Grove, whose summit is blue. The moment the sun rays shine on it, it takes on the form of a bell resting on the ground. The name Blue Bell was also used for the main street, the post office and the train station not far from where the church is situated.

The church itself was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and given the name Assumption, and is commonly known as the Blue Bell Catholic Church.

Prayer to Mary, Queen in the Home

O Blessed Virgin Mary, you are the mother and queen of every Christian family.

When you conceived and gave birth to Jesus, human motherhood reached its greatest achievement.

From the time of the Annunciation you were the living chalice of the Son of God made man. You are the queen of the home.

As a woman of faith, you inspire all mothers to transmit faith to their children. Watch over our families. Let children learn free and loving obedience inspired by your obedience to God.

Let parents learn dedication and selflessness based on your unselfish attitude. Let all families honor you and remain devoted to you so that they may be held together by your example and your intercession.
